Monday, February 26, 2007

Sketchee funk..and designee junk.

l did scan lots of pages before they are done, mostly to show the editor what l was doing and sometimes to get a better perspective of the book ....because it takes weeks to do a book sometimes the flow is not what you want but sometimes you get great dynamics in places you didn't expect. the second image is a concept design page that l did for the main characters..l even drew the first shot of Griff...but that suit went in a different way from these drawings. the top drawing is a half way done page that was so full of stuff that l can't imagine how the colorist got it hat goes off to her.

more funk to come.Funkeeeeee!!!!!


Chris Sims said...

Your pencils are out of this world! I love how you handle the shading! Hopefully you post more sequentials in the future.

Chris Sims said...

Wow, I just read your last reply to my comment a few posts back and I wanna say thank you. It good to know that I am able to inspire people the same way they inspire me. Hopefully I can keep it up and won't let you down in the future.

I wanna be like you when I grow up ; )

Writing on Board said...

Beautiful stuff! Your Silver Surfer? Awesome!