Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New freshness...kinda

Hello peps,

l have been crazy busy and have not been able to post...so l'm posting some old and new stuff. The first one is a design l did for a cartoon for MLB ...hey, it's a fun gig. The reason l can post it is because the player in question will not be part of the cartoon. l have had a few great sportjobs and this is tops on the list, the artwork l did will be made into a mascot and various products ...as well as the cartoon. l will be flying to Tampa for the debut and the crew will be in full effect. Fedel, Baiden, Jonas, Chris, Peter, Jeremiah.....we will be enjoying the highlife in sunny Florida.

the second image is the first Flash artwork l did ....it's old but not too bad.

the third is......l can't say , but l guess with a new movie coming out ...you can guess what it is. Troy is the man....and he has the best job in the world.

Well l have some killer news....the X-men family book is rolling and l got offered a big book at the mighty'M' and l will do a five issue stint. i feel so good that l'm drawing comics that l like ...l also feel great about working with Paul Neary who is the inker of Bryan Hitch, he makes me look good...when you see the inks you will love it. l have been enjoying life and loving it...G Elliot and l will be in NY for the con ...we have a few big meetings...but it's good to go to a con with a guy who is not a a-hole....and will spend his own money.hahaha.


Eugene McDermott said...

Hey big man,
Love these pieces, as always. The Indy sketch is awesome and just gets me more jacked about the movie this summer!! Soon, very soon!!

Take care and hope all is well.

Daniel Andrews said...

Cool pics man. I finally got around to picking up some Flash (fastest man alive). Really cool stuff Im enjoying it. I've never read enough flash, it was due time and I wanted to see more of your work. I'm a fan dude.
I can see in your Newest pictures you have come further, but its still beyond what I'm able to do.

Anyways, glad to hear life is good

Take Care man.

ken lashley said...

thanks Eugene , good to see you here...lets keep in touch.

Hey Dan, thanks for the kind words...my work is hopefully getting better...that's the plan.

peace ,love and art...
