Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Skate b...and sketchy goodness

hell ya...

l am posting some pencils of the up coming issue 3 which is coming up real soon...l am also posting some more art show pictures..the boards do look good and they are fun to do...they don't take that long but it's the drying that makes you wait.

l am working on some very cool stuff for g.I joe for the movie launch...l love working with my boys over there. l also will be having some crazy fun with my SD house...l will be throwing a BBQ for a small few..hell will be fun.

draw ...don't waste time with Bull...just hit the work.


brunopags said...

quick question, what are you using to do your blacks on the decks, does india ink work best or should i use acrylic?

ken lashley said...

paint the best.